The Cape Navigator

Seaside Community Newspaper

Category: Cape Town

Cape Town Boosts Landfill Capacity to Ensure Safe Waste Disposal

Photo of dump truck heading towards a landfill site.

Cape Town is tackling its growing waste management challenges with a two-pronged strategy. While continuing to push for waste reduction and increased recycling, the City of Cape Town (CoCT) is taking steps to extend its landfill capacity. Last week, a Mayoral Committee Member for Urban Waste Management, Alderman Grant Twigg, visited the Design and Develop […]

Decades-Long Mystery: Urgent Appeal to Locate Cavin Warren Noemdo, Missing Since 1988

Photo of Cavin Warren Noemdo.

In a perplexing and enduring mystery that has haunted a Ravensmead family for decades, The Cape Navigator brings attention to the case of Cavin Warren Noemdo, who went missing on September 8, 1988. Cavin’s disappearance remains shrouded in uncertainty, and we are calling on the community for assistance in hopes of uncovering the truth. According […]

Cape Town Secures New Water Sources to Keep Up with Population Boom

To combat the challenges of rapid population growth and climate change, the City of Cape Town (CoCT) announced it is aggressively expanding its water supplies. The new initiatives are outlined in the city’s New Water Programme (NWP), a key component of the city’s strategy to maintain water resilience and sustainability in the future. Recent Census […]

Table View Residents Face Recurring Sewage Nightmare

Photos show the extent of the sewage overflow on Sprigg Road, Table View, caused by a pump station failure.

City Confirms Pump Failure, Outlines Fixes Amid Residents Frustration Residents of Table View are enduring a recurring sewage overflow at the corner of Sprigg Road, with raw sewage flooding the area for at least four consecutive days. Photos shared online document the severity of the problem, and residents say this is a sadly regular occurrence, […]

Global Road Safety Alliance Convenes in Cape Town, City Highlights Safety Innovations

File photo of congested traffic.

CAPE TOWN – The Global Alliance of Cities for Road Safety (ACRoS) has gathered in Cape Town, a city recognized as a leader in road safety initiatives within South Africa. Councillor Rob Quintas, in his welcoming address, highlighted the city’s multifaceted efforts to improve safety for its nearly five million residents who walk, cycle, use […]

Good Samaritan Charged After Confronting Hit-and-Run Driver

Stock image.

An act of good citizenship took a violent turn when a concerned citizen was arrested after attacking an alleged hit-and-run driver in Cape Town over the weekend. The arrest is one of 213 made by the City’s Law Enforcement and Traffic services in the last week. The incident occurred just before 22:00 on Saturday, March […]

Bayside Canal Gets R87.5 Million Upgrade to Boost Rietvlei Water Quality

Present at the Bayside Canal upgrade site are Yonela Mdlankomo from Water and Sanitation, Ward Councillor Joy Solomons for Ward 103, Mayoral Committee Member for Water and Sanitation Councillor Zahid Badroodien, and Johan Van Schalkwyk from the Water and Sanitation Directorate.

The City of Cape Town is investing R87.5 million to upgrade the Bayside Canal, a project aimed at improving stormwater management and the water quality of the Rietvlei. The upgrade is a response to increased development in the area, which has led to greater stormwater flow and the pollution of the Rietvlei. Key Points: The […]

Cape Town Cycle Tour 2024 Countdown is Underway

Photo of Cape Town Cycle Tour 2023 by Brendan Magaar for African News Agency (ANA).

OVERBERG – The iconic Cape Town Cycle Tour is just days away, and excitement is building among cyclists from the Overstrand region and beyond. This year’s event, featuring the classic 109-kilometer route around the Cape Peninsula, is set to take place on March 10th. Overstrand Executive Mayor, Dr. Annelie Rabie, highlighted the importance of final […]

City of Cape Town Deploys Advanced “Eye in the Sky” to Combat Crime

City of Cape Town Deploys Advanced “Eye in the Sky” to Combat Crime

New surveillance aircraft to take the fight against poaching, land invasions, fires, street racing, and gang incidents to the next level. (And if lucky maybe even UFOs!) The City of Cape Town’s Safety and Security Directorate is bolstering its crime prevention capabilities with the introduction of advanced aerial surveillance technology. Dubbed the “Eye in the […]

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